Writing Exercise: The First Rain

It wasn't supposed to rain that day, but still, it did. The rain wasn't supposed to come cascading down for the first time in ten years. It wasn't supposed to strike the dusty ground that seemed to shudder in surprise, sending up small billowing puffs of dust from the drops' force.

Writing Exercise: Rivers

Photo by: Eddie Stigson on Unsplash I never learned to distinguish myself from the earth. In the beginning, my soul flourished within me, green and rich, following the blessing of the river. When the river dried and turned to dust, I found myself empty. I was a yucca plant in the sun, leaves raised to… Continue reading Writing Exercise: Rivers

Writing Exercise: The Way Home

What's the way home? There are so many ways I've taken, Countless roads that have led me here. Some were paved and offered no resistance, Others were arduous and left me weak. Some days I walked with company at my side And many I traveled alone. What's the way home? It's there, But it's fleeting… Continue reading Writing Exercise: The Way Home

Writing Exercise: Driving (Part 2)

https://unsplash.com/photos/QFDQ6N8eCYU You can read Part 1 of Driving here. I see a parking lot on one block's corner and pull in, handing the man in the booth a five dollar bill for the twenty-four hour flat fee. The man is middle-aged with a heavy moustache, his black button up shirt tucked into his pants and… Continue reading Writing Exercise: Driving (Part 2)

Writing Exercise: Driving (Part 1)

Photo Credit: https://unsplash.com/photos/MgzKmcTFUg0 The driving is nothing for me. Years of practice have taught me to turn off whatever part of the brain is responsible for boredom, fatigue, for feeling your body's reaction to sitting in the driver's seat for hours. The ritual is like this: You put the keys in the ignition and you… Continue reading Writing Exercise: Driving (Part 1)

Writing Exercise: Time Shift (Part 2 of 2)

Photo by Kyle Loftus on Unsplash Below is the second half of a short story, my writing exercise for the day. To read the first half, you can click here. The man continued, still staring down at the half-empty glass in front of him. "Three years ago, I spent the summer out in New Mexico, in Albuquerque, working… Continue reading Writing Exercise: Time Shift (Part 2 of 2)

Writing Exercise: Time Shift (Part 1 of 2)

Photo by Nathan Anderson on Unsplash The passage below is the first half of a short story that came to mind a few days ago. I've always been fascinated by people's stories of their own experiences with the supernatural and the reactions others have upon hearing these tales that seem to defy rational explanation. I'm not usually one… Continue reading Writing Exercise: Time Shift (Part 1 of 2)

Writing Exercise: Stories Told Through Objects

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash I have never been one to collect things, mostly because I hate clutter. I love being in open, simple environments that invite relaxation and calmness. I appreciate spaces that are free of things, preferring to focus on mental creativity. That being said, I do have just one weakness when it comes to material… Continue reading Writing Exercise: Stories Told Through Objects

Writing Exercise: The Last Plant in the Neighborhood

Photo by Christian Widell on Unsplash This snippet was written from another prompt I gleaned off the Poets and Writers: "The Time is Now" list. The prompt I used was: "The Humboldt Glacier, located high in the Andes mountain range in Venezuela, is the country’s last glacier. Glaciers are disappearing around the world due to climate change, which… Continue reading Writing Exercise: The Last Plant in the Neighborhood