Cultivating Creativity: Steps I Am Taking to Weed Out Writing Barriers

In the last two months, my creativity has wilted. COVID has inched its way into my world, a garden pest that latches onto one part of my life and drains energy away from the other parts. Luckily, like many things in life, I've found that with a little extra attention, my creativity has begun to perk back up.

Writing Goals: Building on What I’ve Already Accomplished

In this post, I discuss setting three goals including 1) Continuing to create content for the organizations I work with now, 2) Identifying more blog-writing opportunities to help expand my portfolio, and 3) Developing a plan for maximizing the potential of Paper Crow Blog.

My Writing Breakdown This Week: Day-by-Day

Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash This week, I reminded myself that I can always fit writing time into my schedule - I just need to look for opportunities as they present themselves. I have also been making an effort to recognize my small successes, as I have a tendency to not recognize gradual improvements when I am… Continue reading My Writing Breakdown This Week: Day-by-Day

Collaborative Book List (Readers Can Still Add Suggestions!)

Photo by Florencia Viadana on Unsplash Recently, I created a post (which you can read here) that readers could comment on and leave suggestions for books they recommend. I wanted to compile that list for both myself and for others in case any of you are seeking new titles to read. As I mentioned in the post, I… Continue reading Collaborative Book List (Readers Can Still Add Suggestions!)

Benefits to Joining a Writing Group (and Tips for Finding the Right One!)

Photo by Tim Bish on Unsplash One of the most beneficial changes I've made to my life in the past two years was to start participating in writing groups. I have been lucky enough to participate in a couple of groups and cannot recommend them enough for anyone looking to increase their writing productivity! The benefits of joining… Continue reading Benefits to Joining a Writing Group (and Tips for Finding the Right One!)